
Various places you can go if you feel like breaking out of the V.A. I should warn you, though--it can be crazier on the outside.


The Beatles- Official website for the Beatles 1 album. Ringo's site! George Harrison's official website. Very graphics-intensive. Very psychedelic. Very impressive.

Paul Paul's official website. It rocks just as much as he does. (Oh, and you should go buy "Driving Rain" RIGHT NOW. It's incredible.)

Beatles Tribute- A great Beatles page

They Might Be Giants- "I'm your only friend, I'm not your only friend, but I'm your little glowing friend, but really I'm not actually your friend, but I am..."



The Crocodile Hunter- Steve Irwin is my hero. I'm not kidding.

Fighting Nighthawks- Any A-Team fan will know what this is!

A-Team Index Page- This is the greatest A-Team website out there. I can't even tell you how fansmeggintastic this is; you have to see for yourself.

M*A*S*H- A very thorough M*A*S*H page; lots of pictures, sounds, and information WAS a smeggin’ great Red Dwarf page. Now I'm not sure what's going on over there. official UPN Buffy site.


Rildar's Cabin- Pat's page. He edited the Saga of Pat, so I'm in I don't have to kill him! Yay! (Of course, I have no idea what I'm going to do with this giant killer monkey robot now...)

Over the Rainbow- My friend's site. We were writing a book together...She died in a car accident on 2/13/00. It's been almost two years now. I miss her.

RATTYLAND- Heidi's homepage. Wear protective headgear, and try not to step on any invisibles.

Ducky the Loon's Hall of Insanity- Another, wait, sorry. She's not nuts, she's condiments--she's been promoted.

Sibyl's Stories- Fanfic--lots of good stuff here.

Armenia City in the Sky- M's Who-riffic site.

Vihao's Picture Archive- Really, really extensive collection of pictures. I'm in two of these, I think...But I'm listed many, many times on the quotes page. Go me!


In Passing...- This is one of my favorite websites--random conversations overheard in passing.

Eric Conveys an Emotion- Words cannot describe this have to see it for yourself, and even then, you won't understand. The Canadians are coming! The Canadians are coming!

The On-Line Books Page- A UPenn website with fulltext versions of something like 2000 books. Great for research.

Warehouse 23-The Geek Mecca. The Basement is my occasional hideout.

"Is it too late to have you guys break me IN to the V.A.?"