Murdock's Room

I'm not nuts, I'm condiments! I've been promoted.

NEW--Send A-Team postcards from The V.A.! Nifty, huh?
Take Hunter's new quiz: Which Murdockian Delusion Are You?
The A-Team Gallery- My favorite pictures (and a few sound clips) from some of our missions.
The A-Team Adoption Agency- Adopt A-Team site guardians!
Break out of the V.A.! (Don't tell Dr. Richter I told you, but this place does have a back door...)

BA, The Barracan OneGreetings, fellow inmates, and welcome to H.M. Murdock's li'l section of the V.A.! What? You're just visiting? Oh...OK. If you say so. 
Hunter's still gettin' my place set up...gotta have everything just right, y'know? But she's got big plans for it. Eventually, most of the fun stuff on the site is gonna be right in here with me--the gallery, quizzes and polls, and whatever else she comes up with. Over there to the left is my favorite picture of the Barracan One...note the lovely Captain Bellybuster hat. We've got big plans for the angry mudsucker here, but somethin' tells me I better not say too much about that just yet...
That's about all we've got going right now...Hunter's studying for finals, but she's gonna try to squeeze in as much time as she can to get this done. In the meantime, you can look below for some pearls of wisdom from yours truly, and check out the rest of the site! We'll let you know when the new stuff comes in. Hunter's Room is just across the hall...Or you can head back to the psych ward. (And if you see Face talkin' to the nurses out there, just pretend you don't recognize him.)